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International Workshop Greek Pottery of the 4th cent. B.C. New Data from the Field
29 November 2021, École française d’Athènes
Submission deadline: 31 August 2021
Organized by Guy Ackermann and Vicky Vlachou, École française d’Athènes.
How can the study of the pottery help us better understand its contexts of use and deposition, in order to approach society and economy of the 4th century BC? The aim of this workshop is to present new material of the Late Classical period from well-defined archaeological contexts. Participants are invited to discuss material assemblages including all categories of pottery (fine wares, plain wares, cooking pots and transport amphorae) and not only the output of specific workshops and painters.
This workshop will focus on two main topics. The first explores the use and function of a single shape or of a varied pottery assemblage in relation to social practices or ritual performances in domestic, public, sacred or funerary contexts. Do the use and the function of a vessel remain the same in contexts of different nature? For instance, how can we interpret cooking pots found beyond the Classical oikos in sanctuaries and cemeteries, and approach the people who used them? Studies on the contents of pots combining functional and chemical analysis will be mostly welcomed.
Papers may also discuss commercial networks and mobility of pots and potters. The goal of this second topic is to depart from an Athenocentric point of view and to highlight regional dynamics in the circulation and consumption of pottery in the 4th century BC Greek world. New insights on the analysis of imported pots and their adaptations by local craftspeople, as well as results of archaeometrical studies are expected to throw new light on this topic.
This workshop will take place in the premises of the École française d’Athènes on the 29th of November 2021 according to the sanitary conditions and restrictions due to the pandemic of COVID-19. Participants will be immediately notified of any changes to the format of the workshop.
The language of the workshop will be English only. Each paper should not exceed 20 minutes and will be followed by a discussion. We aim to provide accommodation for up to two nights and refund of the travel expenses to a limited number of participants who cannot benefit from the financial support of their institution. Interested applicants should state this clearly in their paper proposals.
If you wish to present a paper, please send a title, a short abstract (max. 300 words) and your contact information by the 31st of August 2021 to guy.ackermann@efa.gr and/or vasiliki.vlachou@efa.gr